Okay, Ravenclaws, it's quiz time again! This time I want you to summon up all your creativity and develop a spell for the following situations. Just the name of your spell will do:
This was fun please excuse the horrible latin it's not my strength!
1. Do my homework for me. perfectus (complete) homework
2. Tidy up my bedroom. tergeo (clean) bedroom purus (spotless)
3. Make a delicious chocolate cake. baker ioco iocor (baker make me) --insert baked goodness wanted-- chocolate cake
4. Make my professor stay in bed today. magister --insert name of professor-- gluten ut cubile (lol it's is loosely translated to glue my professor to bed and it puts them in a deep sleep that glues them to their bed!
5. I would like breakfast in bed, please. ignavus ientaculum in cubile (loosely translated to lazy breakfast in bed) it makes a delicous tray of breakfast appear on your bed
6. Stick all my Quidditch opponents' feet to the floor. Qudditch hostilis stuck in locus (please remember to focus on the team and team members you want glued to the floor otherwise you might glue your team mates!!
7. Give everyone the giggles. assimulo Nitrous oxide -- only effects the room in which the spell is cast in and gives everyone the giggles even people who are immune to laughing gas!
8. Dye some yarn in my favorite color. inficio (stain/dye) yarn cobalt blue
9. Unravel the mess I've made with my yarn. restituo ut (restore to) hank (you can use ball or skein too!)
10. Knit my Prefect the perfect bag! Knit perficio pera (perfect bag) Prefect Minee
This spell knits a perfect bag for Prefect Minee and you can insert any Prefect's name and it will work everytime!
Good luck! A prize goes to one lucky Ravenclaw